And yet, there are things more ridiculous than Denialists in action. Of course, I'm talking about Megan McArdle:*
The first reason I don't post a lot is that I'm not an expert, and I'm not planning to become one. I've basically outsourced my opinion on the science to people like Jonathan Adler, Ron Bailey, and Pat Michaels of Cato--all of whom concede that anthropogenic global warming is real, though they may contest the likely extent, or desired remedies.
You gotta be shitting me! First off - not an expert? When has that ever stopped her?!
Second - Cato!

This is not the time nor the place. I'd go with someone with relevant expertise:

In any event, you can skip most of the article, as it's the usual mess of concern trolling, name dropping, and Nobody Can Know Anything, Nothing Will Work. She did make one slip -
I don't know what the speed limit should be, how we should redesign the military to counter 21st century threats, or the best way to allocate scarce water resources between competing claims, even though I recognize that in a modern society, these are all the proper concerns of the government;
Which led to her minions pouncing in the very first comment:
tjic 15 hours ago
I don't know what the speed limit should be, how we should redesign the military to counter 21st century threats, or the best way to allocate scarce water resources between competing claims, even though I recognize that in a modern society, these are all the proper concerns of the government
I've been reading your work for so long that I remember back when you used to be a libertarian!
& Megan gives the entire game away!
McMegan 15 hours ago in reply to tjic
I know enough about water rights to know that there is no "libertarian" solution.
That's right. For all the important stuff that our lives depend on, her all purpose hammer is useless.
Ah well. At least Sandra Dee will always have a beach,

even though it may be covered in dead jellyfish.
*Warning! Do not read the comments! Brain death imminent! Treat at RealClimate if accidentally exposed.
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