Well, Ok, but most likely your roomie won't be a soul sucking demon.
Like most things, the whole "go away for 4 years to learn a trade" is not exclusive. There are other ways to learn stuff. The old fashioned way - reading books, with some contact with the people who already know the stuff. Online commercial enterprises. And coming soon? Who knows. MIT has had online videos for a while. Now we learn that some other rich & classy Universities are taking this to the next step, making it interactive. If I didn't have a bucketload of CPE to get done in the next month, I'd be all over this stuff.Another aspect of modern education is that it's mostly quite practical. Computers, engineering, business, education degrees - in what universe do these studies thrive in sylvan isolation?
Your social interactions with faculty will be minimal. Hell, you're unlikely to socialize with the grad student from Kolkhut that's doing the actual teaching.So, who knows? Maybe I've been reforming a dead horse.Meanwhile, another road towards sanity is opening. One of the many leeches sucking the money out of contemporary academia is the journal industry. The gloves have been thrown down, and it seems likely that in a few years all the output of the PHD mills will be freely available to all.I can only dread the havoc that will be unleashed. (Title changed because the original blew goats)